Saturday, June 20, 2009

Do You Remember The Times:

Do you remember the things you did when you were a child, or the things you did after your child was born? The traditions, or special memories that you will never forget. Maybe it was a trip somewhere or a special gift you received, or holiday memory that has become a tradition, well we have had a special trip for many years. It all started when we planned a trip to Branson, during the normal Spring Break time during school. My girls were not in school so it was very easy to keep to this trip for many years. The closer to school age the harder it became to go! At the time of full time school, the trip became very difficult and eventually we didn't go anymore. Many times we wanted to but once again our schedule or my moms would pose a problem. This summer my mom and myself said "We Must Go Again"........

On June 12th we loaded up my Durango and headed to Branson...... We were so excited, could not wait to do the many things we had done when we were there many years ago. We had planned for Noah the Musical, Silver Dollar City, Miniature Golf, our favorite restaurant, Hard Luck Diner, and of course shopping, shopping and more shopping!!!! We were able to do it all, and have many laughs, nights of games and another great memory to add to our collection of so many. Enjoy the pictures of a well awaited trip to never forget.........
Myself, Ashley, Kaylee and my mom at the "Sight and Sound Theater"
Waiting to watch Noah the Musical

"The Whole Gang"

Kaylee, Grandma and Ashley playing mini golf

Mom, Ashley and Kaylee doing what we love....... Shopping!

Kaylee, Mom, Jason Yeager (American Idol), Ashley and Grandma

at the Hard Luck Diner

Mom and Daughter at Silver Dollar City

Ashley and Mom

Grandma and Kaylee

We had a great time and hope to be able to do it with Emily as well. We talked about what it would be like to share all of this with her. She was in our thoughts and prayers! This mom, these sisters and one special grandma are anxiously waiting her arrival!


Erica said...

One cousin is awaiting also and I know what you mean by the Branson memories! I miss them very much! I loved it when we use to go all the time....Busy is such a nasty word you know and it seems to come up a lot anymore to block out what is most important! I love ya and I am glad that you guys had a BLAST!

Tina said...

Sounds like you had a fun trip! Don't let busy get in the way make this a family tradition forever!!! Three generations taking a trip that is GREAT!!! Love You and hope you have fun at Falls Creek!!! See you soon.