Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Kaylee!

Today is our sweet Kaylee's 14th birthday!!!! My goodness I cant believe how old my girls are getting. Kaylee, we are so proud of you and all your accomplishments! You have grown up so fast, and are such a beautiful girl, inside and out. We love your sweet spirit, your love for children, your love for Christ, your serving heart, your giggle, the time you invest into your friends, and the way you love your family (immediate and church). Kaylee we love you so much and are so thankful that God gave you to us to love. You are a truly a blessing, and a gift from God! Im so looking forward to what God is going to do through your life, and cant wait to see where God takes you. Happy birthday Kaylee, WE LOVE YOU!


Erica said...

My dear cousin Kaylee,
I miss you dearly and am really sorry that I missed the birthday, but surprise to come when we go on our road trip:)
She will be 16 in two years you better start preparing now lol! I see so much of her in me lol so be careful!LOL
Love ya all!

Grandma (Sue) said...

Kaylee, You are a blessing to all of us. You have so much to give...and I'm so grateful for all the "giving" you're shared with me.