Monday, September 28, 2009


Ok no doubt in my mind...... OU wins! But, I had a opportunity to travel with the Ringwood FCA to FCA gameday at OSU. We were able to see a football game, have a FCA rally and hang with other students within our school who share the same beliefs! It was a lot of fun, even though we were at a OSU football game. Lots of orange all around us, with a few crimson and cream shirts mixed within ~ Brave souls! The final score was 56 ~ 6, of course OSU favor. Makes for not much excitement but lots of touchdowns! The other team was Grambling State, known for being "The Best Band in the Land". They really put on a show! Anyways..... I may be an die hard OU fan, but I must say WTG OSU!
Ashley and SC at the football game!
"Bullet" the horse, rides after a touchdown!
"Grambling Band"
"Grambling Band" ~ A tribute to Micheal Jackson.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Hi April

I've been following your journey for a few weeks now. Don't remember how I came across you, but I wanted to say congratulations on your little sweetheart. She is so adorable!
We've been praying about adoption for sometme, and hope that in the near future God allows us to begin that journey.

We're in Oklahoma too, and I agree - OU wins handsdown :)
