Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Storm Means NO SCHOOL!

Yes we are out of school today!!!!!! Cant believe it!
So many things that go through you mind when you all of the sudden have you kids home for a day you didn't expect.
I am thinking we could clean, organize closets, or better yet..... Both. But I am also thinking lets make cookies, try a new recipe (will blog about that later), play the WII, watch a movie..... Option B wins without questions. My dear friend also has reminded me that I have some Haque training to do, so I also have added that to my list.

I wanted to share the pictures of my future photographer.... Ashley! She loves to take pictures of nature and storms. She has a beautiful picture of a lighting bolt, and know can add these of the ice storm. These were taken last night, and we actually have a little more ice now than the pictures show. Anyways we will enjoy our day of relaxation and fun!


Anonymous said...

These pictures are amazing and I wish I could be there to do option B lol!!! My friend that I met in the dorms and I are watching movies in my room!!!! Love you girls!

Anonymous said...

Those pics are really cool! I was SO EXCITED about school being out! I was like yay! No school!!! lol I really hope there's no school tomorrow! =)