Thursday, April 16, 2009


I have been inspired by my friends Tammy, Connie, and Linda. I have checked on Tammys Monday Menu, and would think wow I wish I could be that organized. Then Connie tells me about this web site called e-meals, and how wonderful it is. My friend Linda signs up and raves over the recipes. So today I have signed up for this wonderful menu planner, that does all the work for you. I am very excited, I even showed my husband the menu and asked him if there was anything that did not sound good...... I know risky!!!! He said "No, everything looks really good". My friend Linda said "My youngest daughter even likes it", and Connie has said "one meal said it would take 30 minutes to prepare and it only took 23" E-meals plans the menu ~ including side dishes ~ makes the grocery list for you and tells you how much it will cost...... Totally worth $5 a month. I will have to let you know what my family thinks when the first meal is prepared and if my youngest daughter likes it as well ;) Looking forward to enjoy the cooking time instead of the time it would take to figure out what we will eat. Enjoy your Thursday!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Aw shucks...glad I could inspire you (blush). Now maybe you can inspire me to get started again.-hehe. Looking forward to the menus.