Thursday, January 21, 2010

Its the Final Countdown!!

more day!!!!
We are at that final day, Am I ready????? I'm lacking confidence that I am, I don't feel like I am packed, when in all reality I think I am .
We are headed to Wichita tonight with dear friends, looking forward to the evening. Plan on having dinner and just chatting! I will be relieved when the packing part of the trip is over, I just want to board the plane. Although I am not a big fan of flying ~ I am looking forward to the trip over there, call me crazy!!! Not sure why I am but I'm thinking it will be that moment when it all sinks in..... As I was laying in bed last night thinking of what I should be doing ~ it occurred to me that I would be crying (more like sobbing) if my girls where not going with us. So I must praise MY LORD some more, for allowing this to happen, making everything work out, and for answering our prayers and giving of what our hearts desires!!! God is so good, and He gets ALL the GLORY for this part of our paths, all being His plans from the beginning!
In the past few posts I have listed my things to do:
Today I am not even sure of what I have to do, so please pray that I get everything together and have reassurance that we are ready! Have a wonderful day, and in case I don't get to post again ~ I will chat with you all the way from China!!! Much love to all of you!
Ps ~ Blogger does not work in China so I will be posting at


Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's here!!! Your doing such a good job staying positive and giving HIM the glory. Keep it up! Love reading your post & can't wait for Gotcha pics...-alf

Mom aka Grandma Sue said...

My heart is with you during this entire adventure. Our lives are about to change...and Emily will be loved the minute you lay eyes on her. She will have to see all of us thru you eyes...or at least until she gets home here in Oklahoma. We will see you all (as a complete family) on Feb. 6. Until then...we love you to the moon and back...we love you to CHINA and back!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinkin bout you all the time! I'm so excited and happy for you. Can't wait to see her in your arms.
