Can you see how happy Snoopy is........ Well that is how happy I am too! I finished my Haque Training last night, and I am so excited. I had put it off for so long, because I was afraid of the reading, and the time it would require from me. God guided me through it and gave me the strength I needed to face it, because there was no getting around it, I had to do it! I would have blogged about it last night but I was ready to NOT sit in front of the computer any longer. Instead I danced around my living room...... :) It took me about 12 and 1/2 hours to finish, but mind you there was a break for lunch, dinner, listen to an interview on the radio, a few phone calls, and an occasional I just have to get up! There was an incredible desire to finish, motivation to be done, and stamina to finish by the end of the night, but because of the desire, motivation and stamina my back is killing me and I think my body is conformed to the chair..... lol All in all it had very interesting parts, with much knowledge on the topics and was alot of help to me in understanding what Hague is and more in depth of the process of the paperwork and what is required from us as adoptive parents. A few things that you think of when you go through it, but I know that my Lord will not give me anything that I can't handle, so I go through this journey with a peace and understanding that my God is in Control!!!!!! Have a wonderful day!
"With God’s help we will do mighty things, for he will
trample down our foes."
Congratulations--another step closer to your daughter!
YAY!!! I am so excited for you! You are so awesome and I am so thankful for you and wow God is totally working here!
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