Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Adoption Update!

David and April are very excited!!!! All of the Hague training is done, and David finished his required reading over the weekend. We are waiting patiently ~ well some what, I have sent 3 emails in the last 24 hours to our case worker ~ for a date when we can have our last of our 4 pre adoptions home studies. After this and our home study is wrote up, it will be sent to Immigration in Chicago! Once again......... Waiting is the name of the game!

April Update ~ I have been having some extreme back pains....... Went to the chiropractor for a week and a half Was not helping, found out why? After an x-ray my Dr found that I have a defected vertebrae. I will have it forever but my Dr. seems to think he will be able to help with the pain. The bad news is that I will have pain for the rest of my life. I seem to think that it will come and go though. I hope my thinking is right. All in all we have answers and know how to treat it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
I am sorry to hear about your pain, but so excited to her about the updates and all the food news!!! Way to go David! Keep me posted on the last home study! LOve you the most!